South Atlantic
Environmental Research

Amy Guest's PhD continues

Amy Guest

I have been continuing work on one of my PhD chapters ‘the effects of eroded peat soil on the biodiversity of shallow marine invertebrates (Hummock Island)’, working mostly on data exploration. Some of my highlights include diving at my regular dive sites to record any seasonal changes in sublittoral invertebrate biodiversity, with thanks to my PhD collaborators the Shallow Marine Surveys Group. We were lucky enough to have some curious dolphins approach us in the water, plus experience some great weather for these dives – summer is definitely here! We are also still planning a dive expedition to Port Stephens, West Falkland, in the New Year.
It was great to have not just one, but two students from the local school join us for one week for work experience. I was able to explain my PhD aims, show them some of the wonderful local shallow marine life through photos and BRUV footage, plus teach them how to identify species in a quadrat photo using guidebooks. They even had a go at using PhotoQuad, the software I use for photo ID.
Besides this, I have also been working on university reports, attending online university seminars and ‘Research Day’ presentations.
Image above and top right: Divers at Amy's dive sites and bottom left image - work experience student learning how to use PhotoQuad.  
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