South Atlantic
Environmental Research



As CEO it is always a pleasure to reflect on the year’s achievements.
November 2022 saw SAERI celebrate its 10th year since its formation by Falkland Islands Government (FIG) and five years as an independent research institute.  SAERI has grown to become a truly international research institute operating across the United Kingdom Overseas Territories (UKOTs) in the South Atlantic, Caribbean and other countries and operating from its base in the Falkland Islands. I invite you to review our international performance section further down for more detail on our activities across the UKOTs and beyond
View 2022-2023 Annual Report Download 2022-2023 Annual Report 


It is my pleasure to present SAERI’s 2021/2022 annual report. This is our fifth year as an independent research institute and the third year for our growth phase. The challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic still remain, particularly with delivering field work here in the Falkland Islands and overseas. The hard work of SAERI’s Leadership Team saw field work and projects delivered efficiently, professionally and importantly, safely.
View 2021-2022 Annual Report 


As with every year it is a pleasure to present SAERI’s annual report. This is SAERI’s fourth year as a registered charity and in the second year of our growth phase and we continue to go from strength to strength. This year saw the implementation of our ambitious 5-year strategy and our first annual business plan that incrementally allows us to reach our strategic targets. These provide a road map of where we need to be as an organisation by 2025.
View 2020-2021 Annual Report Download 2020-2021 Annual Report 


We are delighted to present the review for 2019-20. This is SAERI’s third year as a registered charity and represents a transition from and establishment to a growth phase and this will be maintained and progressed with the addition of Dr Alastair (Al) Baylis to SAERI’s Senior Executive Leadership Team. Al is a higher predator marine ecologist and brings great science capacity and leadership to the team. Al will be responsible for developing a science strategy in collaboration with a sub-committee of SAERI’s board, taking on the line management of our science projects, mentor PhD students and Post Docs and write grants.
View 2019-2020 Annual Report Download 2019-2020 Annual Report 


We are very pleased to present our annual report for 2018/19. SAERI’s second year as a registered charity has gone well and the Institute continues to fulfil its role in the South Atlantic and the Caribbean and therefore maintains its position as credible scientific institute that provides economic benefit to the Falkland Islands. This year saw the appointment of new Trustees representing science and business. This provides SAERI with a strong leadership and governance force, ensuring our science and the way we operate is to the highest standards.
View 2018-2019 Annual Report 


We are very pleased to present our annual report for 2017/18. SAERI achieved three important milestones in its development from the start of this period, notably the new financial year marked the formation of SAERI’s charitable status, the creation of a trading subsidiary, and separation from Falkland Islands Government (FIG). It was always FIG’s intention to spin off SAERI as an independent UK-registered institute, as it provides greater opportunities for international funding. SAERI’s independence from FIG officially occurred on Friday 30 June 2017 to coincide with the start of FIGS’s new financial year. At a small gathering attended by SAERI staff, Barry Rowland (FIG’s Chief Executive), MLA Michael Poole, Diane Simsovic (Head of Policy), David Brown (acting Attorney General), and Stuart Hampson (Director of Human Resources), the SAERI/FIG Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed, along with the Transfer Agreement and Deed of Goodwill, marking an exciting new chapter in the development of SAERI.
View 2017-2018 Annual Report 


Our 2017 Activities report provides an overview of the projects and wider activities that SAERI has undertaken during 2017.

T. Pelembe, D. Baigorri, P. Brickle, T. McNeill eds (2018) South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute Activities Report 2017.
View 2017 Activities Report


We are very pleased to present our Annual report for 2016. SAERI continues to grow and develop since its inception in 2012. This year the range of our work has extended beyond the South Atlantic to implementing Territory to Territory partnerships in the Caribbean.
We now have 8 PhD students and are building our research profile through continuing publications in high profile journals. We have closed off projects this year and started new ones, had staff move on to exciting new roles, and have new staff coming to join our team (which reached 15 this year).
We continue to provide a base for visiting researchers and have had visitors from across the globe working in collaboration with us at our offices in Stanley.
We have taken great strides in implementing the process that will see us become an independent research institute in 2017 which will be a key milestone for the development of SAERI as an organisation.
We have also secured funding for new projects starting in 2017 in particular we will be leading on the implementation of the CSSF funded South Atlantic Natural Capital Project (on behalf of JNCC) and will be implementing a Darwin Plus project mapping the coast of the Falklands and South Georgia.
None of this could be achieved without the great team that works closely with me to progress the projects and research that we undertake.
It is our staff and their enthusiasm that make the organisation a success and we are indebted to them all.
SAERI will be separating from Falkland Islands Government this year as Charitable Incorporated Organisation representing an exciting period of transition to being an independent organisation. I take this opportunity to thank all those involved in the hard work to make this happen and this includes many FIG staff as well as SAERI’s own Business and Research Manager, Teresa McNeill.

T. Pelembe, P. Brickle, T. McNeill eds (2017) South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute Annual Report 2016.
View 2016 Annual Report


We are happy to present our Annual Report for 2015. SAERI has continued to develop at a very pleasing and increasing rate with 2015 seeing a great deal of activity in terms of its academic and commercial activities. As you will see from the content of this report, our work is diverse and far reaching throughout the South Atlantic Overseas Territories (SAOTs). Notable high profile highlights include two international symposia, the Pan-America Science Symposium took place on January 2015 and the ‘South Georgia Future Science’ project in October, hosted in Stanley. Another important highlight of the year was the graduation of SAERI’s first PhD student (in collaboration with the University of Aberdeen), Alexandra Mystikou. In September we welcomed Tara Pelembe as our new Deputy Director. Tara is a good friend of the UK Overseas Territories (UKOTs) and is well known across the South Atlantic. There are challenging and exciting times ahead, particularly around the incorporation of SAERI as a private institute. To help lead this we have appointed a new Business and Research Manager, Teresa McNeill. SAERI has made significant progress since its establishment in 2012. This annual report focusses on the main projects that have been implemented during the year 2015, celebrating some of the key highlights for the period.

T. Pelembe, P. Brickle, T. McNeill (2016). South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute Annual Report 2015.
View 2015-2016 Annual Report
PO Box 609, Stanley Cottage North
Ross Road, Falkland Islands
Stanley, FIQQ 1ZZ
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