26th January 2022: Another successful Fieldtrip with FICS Year 7 Students
22nd March 2022: Wetlands - Fieldwork & Symposium
22nd March 2022: Report from the filed - DPLUS139
22nd March 2022: DPlus153 – Getting to know the TCI Fisheries
22nd March 2022: Beautiful Biodiversity on the Seafloor
8th April 2021: SAERI celebrates International Women’s Day 2021
8th April 2021: SAERI & SMSG survey Hummock Island
8th April 2021: Back to School for the SAERI Scientists
8th April 2021: PhD sends Amy Guest back to the books
8th April 2021: The data portal is back!
8th April 2021: MSP Tools for Turks and Caicos now online!
8th April 2021: The great Falklands seal count of 2021
8th April 2021: First cruise of the VME project completed
8th April 2021: Fieldwork begins for the Wetlands Project
30th June 2021: SAERI hit the beach for a school science fieldtrip
30th June 2021: SAERI welcomes Dr Narissa Bax to the team
30th June 2021: Identifying creatures from the deep
1st July 2021: Deep Connections
17th November 2021: Wetlands - Outreach & eDNA
18th November 2021: PhD keeps Amy Guest busy
22nd November 2021: Bird Island - Coral voyage of discovery
6th December 2021: SFL supports St Helena GIS Day as part of the MOVE-ON Project
9th December 2021: Operation Himantothallus – Survey of South Georgia’s seaweed biodiversity
10th February 2020: International Day of Women and Girls in Science
27th March 2020: Stay well and safe
19th May 2020: Ecosystem Service value of kelp in the Falklands
21st May 2020: Collaboration with UKceh
21st May 2020: What can peat tell us about the past and future climate of the Falkland Islands
25th May 2020: Developing Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) Tools for the Turks and Caicos Islands
25th May 2020: The importance of fisheries in shaping the ecology of Black-browed Albatrosses in the Falkland Islands
27th May 2020: Social-distancing also for Commerson’s dolphins
27th May 2020: Soil testing in the lab
27th May 2020: Completion of fieldwork - Soil mapping project
1st June 2020: COVID-19 update
1st June 2020: Newborn in Port William
11th September 2020: Virtual Island summit
30th September 2020: Local students help-out with climate relavant research
30th September 2020: The importance of fisheries in shaping the ecology of black-browed albatrosses in the Falkland Islands
30th September 2020: WebGIS and Data Portal for TCI
30th September 2020: 200 survey points & 1,000 soil profile descriptions
30th September 2020: AEOA hosts first webinar
30th September 2020: Non-breeding movements of Gentoo Penguins at the Falkland Islands
30th September 2020: New paper looking at VMEs and high-seas fishing in the South Atlantic
30th Septmeber 2020: Understanding the Decline and Recovery of one of the South Atlantic’s largest fisheries (Southern Blue Whiting)
9th November 2020: Press release from our sister institute – the St. Helena Research Institute
23rd December 2020: Introducing GIS specialist Catherine Gallagher
23rd December 2020: SAERI welcomes new Intern, Damien Hughes
23rd December 2020: Dr Tabitha Pearman joins SAERI as a Post Doctoral Research Fellow
23rd December 2020: World GIS day celebrations
23rd December 2020: The Turks and Caicos Islands team update-online workshops and welcoming TCI local MRes student Oshin Whyte
23rd December 2020: SAERI Intern Amy Guest returns
31st January 2019: Bran Blacks basic rules for georeferencing drone imagery
4th February 2019:Whale odyssey in the southern Oceans (Part 1)
4th February 2019:Whale odyssey in the southern Oceans (Part 2)
12th February 2019: Soil mapping in the falklands- a personal view
19th February 2019: Marine Fauna and Flora of the Falkland Islands
15th March 2019: Mapping the Burdwood Bank edge of the continental shelf
9th April 2019: Earth Observation Centre of Excellence
26th April 2019: Diving from East to West Falkland aboard the Golden Fleece (April 15-22, 2019)
11th June 2019: World Oceans Day 2019
16th July 2019: Soil Mapping in the Falklands
30th July 2019: Soil microbiology on the Falkland Islands
16th May 2018: Amy Guest - Working in the Falklands
16th May 2018: Burrowing seabirds survey on Bird Islands ( Falkland Is.) 4-11th Jan 2018
16th May 2018: Falklands Fur Seal Census
16th May 2018: Visiting Peaks National Park, St. Helena Island
16th May 2018: Tristan da Cunha and St Helena Science Cruise - Part 1
11th June 2018: Tristan da Cunha and St Helena Science Cruise - Part 2
13th June 2018: The Stories otoliths tell
13th June 2018: From Montserrat to the Falklands and back enthused by data management
29th June 2018: Saint Helena Conference 2018 Diverse Island Environments
4th July 2018: Surveying the Falklands’ Intertidal
12th July 2018: Habitat maps, soil maps and data management system in Saint Helena
16th July 2018: Control of Temperature adaptation in Notothenioid Fish (IcemiRs)
23rd July 2018: MAERI - Mid-Atlantic Environmental Research institute
30th July 2018: Brown trout in the Falkland Islands-ecology, population structure and genetic diversity
9th August 2018: An ‘appealeing’ dusky
27th August 2018: WebGIS- the intelligent link between people and data
14th September 2018: Dispatch from the field – Bird Island 2018 fur seal deployments
14th September 2018: Spatial planning exercise in St Helena- where could you locate a new landfill? Ask GIS!
6th November 2018: Being a consultant
6th December 2018: MMA - Burdwood bank: Part 1
23rd August 2017: Ascension Island Special Issue
13 January 2016: Kidney menu with shearwater soup.
17 January 2016: Soil mapping exercise and field work in New Island
20 January 2016: The South Atlantic metadata catalogue online as source of information for two Swiss MSc students
15 April 2016: Local stakeholders gathered in Stanley for a 3-day Marine Spatial Planning workshop
20 April 2016: Conference presentation Using local knowledge to predict baleen whale distribution around the Falkland Islands
24 April 2016: Hotspots of Cultural Coastal Values identified for Marine Spatial Planning
3rd May 2016: Marine Spatial Planning-Mapping historical whale sightings to manage the future
3rd May 2016: SAERI staff participate in Ascension Island MPA workshop in London
25th July 2016: New publication on ingestion of anthropogenic material by turkey vultures in the Falklands
14th November 2016: Geocaching in Tristan da Cunha
14th November 2016: Mapping lobster biomass and the utilities-services on Tristan da Cunha_QGIS reaches the remotest inhabited island of the world
13 January 2015: Side Scan Sonar training course
26 January 2015: Falkland Islands Science Symposium_South Atlantic Seduction
26 January 2015: Falkland Islands Science Symposium - A Social Scientist in the Falkland Islands
26 January 2015: Falkland Islands Science Symposium_A Microbiologists Perspective
29 January 2015: Learning Side Scan Sonar Techniques and Sharing Knowledge across the South Atlantic Territories
15 February 2015: Turks and Caicos 2ND UKOTs GIS-Workshop_Learning, Sharing, Coming Together and Building Collaborations across Territories
23 February 2015: Assessing the demand for science on South Georgia-consultation with Asian polar research institutes – Part 1
26 February 2015: New funding opportunities for environmental projects in the South Atlantic-BEST 2.0
10 March 2015: Assessing the demand for science on South Georgia-consultation with Asian polar research institutes – Part 2
18 March 2015: My 2 weeks with the Falklan Islands - Katie Moon
7 April 2015: The Falkland Islands Symposium
23 April 2015: Plastic bags smother benthic marine life
1 June 2015: From Rome to Nødebo, learning webGIS techniques and meeting with QGIS developers, educators and other users
9 September 2015: New Deputy Director appointed for SAERI
6 November 2015: Marine spatial planning-Ensuring long-term future of the Falkland Islands’ economy and beauty
9 November 2015: Geographic Information Systems-are maps only pretty pictures or is there more
13 November 2015: Marine Spatial Planning-The Cultural Values of our Coasts
13 November 2015: Remote sensing-the science of interpreting and identifying features from a distance
20 November 2015: Marine Spatial Planning-Mapping historical whale sightings to help manage the future
27 Novmeber 2015: Marine Spatial Planning - There is more traffic in the sea than you think!
27 November 2015: Mapping reas at risk of marine invasion from biofouling
3 March 2014: Intense and Happy GIS days in St. Helena
6 April 2014: Tagging Southern Rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes. c chrysocome) in the Falkland Islands
11 May 2014: Blog entry from Alexandrai Mystikou
22 May 2014: Integrating remote sensing imagery analysis with GIS- new perspectives for the Territories South Atlantic region
21 July 2014: SAERI at Farmers Week
18 August 2014: Agreement on the Conservation of Albatross and Petrels (ACAP)
19 August 2014: Hans Hansson Inshore Fisheries Research Cruise (7th-17th August)
17 October 2014: SAERI Does its bit for the Falkland Islands National Clean Up Day
18 November 2014: Demographic and tracking data of black browed albatross on New Island
02 March 2013: Developing a Falkland Islands and wider South Atlantic Infomation Managment Sysytem and GIS Centre
27 August 2013: Fishing industry supports fishereies research in South Georgia
16 October 2013: Melanie Mackenzie (update)
16 October 2013: Tracking top predators in the South Atlantic
19 October 2013: South Atlantic Information Managment System and GIS Centre has Kicked off!
5 November 2013: Overseas Territories get together and enthusiatic about open source GIS!
19 November 2013: The delightful dissapearing beaches of the Northern East Falklands
12 December 2013: GIS Courses in Ascension and Falkland Islands