South Atlantic
Environmental Research

10th February 2020: International Day of Women and Girls in Science

27th March 2020: Stay well and safe

19th May 2020: Ecosystem Service value of kelp in the Falklands

19th May 2020: A High-Resolution Global Map of Giant Kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) Forests and Intertidal Green Algae (Ulvophyceae) with Sentinel-2 Imagery

21st May 2020: Collaboration with UKceh

21st May 2020: What can peat tell us about the past and future climate of the Falkland Islands

25th May 2020: Developing Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) Tools for the Turks and Caicos Islands

25th May 2020: The importance of fisheries in shaping the ecology of Black-browed Albatrosses in the Falkland Islands

27th May 2020: Social-distancing also for Commerson’s dolphins

27th May 2020: Soil testing in the lab

27th May 2020: Completion of fieldwork - Soil mapping project

1st June 2020: COVID-19 update

1st June 2020: Newborn in Port William

11th September 2020: Virtual Island summit

30th September 2020: Local students help-out with climate relavant research

30th September 2020: The importance of fisheries in shaping the ecology of black-browed albatrosses in the Falkland Islands

30th September 2020: WebGIS and Data Portal for TCI

30th September 2020: 200 survey points & 1,000 soil profile descriptions

30th September 2020: AEOA hosts first webinar

30th September 2020: Non-breeding movements of Gentoo Penguins at the Falkland Islands

30th September 2020: New paper looking at VMEs and high-seas fishing in the South Atlantic

30th Septmeber 2020: Understanding the Decline and Recovery of one of the South Atlantic’s largest fisheries (Southern Blue Whiting)

9th November 2020: Press release from our sister institute – the St. Helena Research Institute

23rd December 2020: Introducing GIS specialist Catherine Gallagher

23rd December 2020: SAERI welcomes new Intern, Damien Hughes

23rd December 2020: Dr Tabitha Pearman joins SAERI as a Post Doctoral Research Fellow

23rd December 2020: World GIS day celebrations

23rd December 2020: The Turks and Caicos Islands team update-online workshops and welcoming TCI local MRes student Oshin Whyte

23rd December 2020: SAERI Intern Amy Guest returns

13 January 2015: Side Scan Sonar training course

26 January 2015: Falkland Islands Science Symposium_South Atlantic Seduction

26 January 2015: Falkland Islands Science Symposium - A Social Scientist in the Falkland Islands

26 January 2015: Falkland Islands Science Symposium_A Microbiologists Perspective

29 January 2015: Learning Side Scan Sonar Techniques and Sharing Knowledge across the South Atlantic Territories

15 February 2015: Turks and Caicos 2ND UKOTs GIS-Workshop_Learning, Sharing, Coming Together and Building Collaborations across Territories 

23 February 2015: Assessing the demand for science on South Georgia-consultation with Asian polar research institutes – Part 1

26 February 2015: New funding opportunities for environmental projects in the South Atlantic-BEST 2.0

10 March 2015: Assessing the demand for science on South Georgia-consultation with Asian polar research institutes – Part 2

18 March 2015: My 2 weeks with the Falklan Islands - Katie Moon

7 April 2015: The Falkland Islands Symposium

23 April 2015: Plastic bags smother benthic marine life

1 June 2015: From Rome to Nødebo, learning webGIS techniques and meeting with QGIS developers, educators and other users

9 September 2015: New Deputy Director appointed for SAERI

6 November 2015: Marine spatial planning-Ensuring long-term future of the Falkland Islands’ economy and beauty

9 November 2015: Geographic Information Systems-are maps only pretty pictures or is there more

13 November 2015: Marine Spatial Planning-The Cultural Values of our Coasts

13 November 2015: Remote sensing-the science of interpreting and identifying features from a distance

20 November 2015: Marine Spatial Planning-Mapping historical whale sightings to help manage the future

27 Novmeber 2015:  Marine Spatial Planning - There is more traffic in the sea than you think! 

27 November 2015: Mapping reas at risk of marine invasion from biofouling

PO Box 609, Stanley Cottage North
Ross Road, Falkland Islands
Stanley, FIQQ 1ZZ
Falkland Islands: +500 27374
UK Office: +44 (0)203 745 1731
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