Familiarise with the Falkland Islands data policy and environmental data recommendations. If you collaborate with a local organisation, please liaise with it as soon as you can. Use time wisely as it is never enough and on the islands resources are limited.
Please download the Research License Agreement guidelines and Research Permit Application Form and remember to send the license application to the Falkland Islands collaborating partner(s), if any, before submitting it to the FIG Environmental officer.
Contact the local organisation hosting you or collaborating with you in the research project well in advance (at least a month) to discuss about your plan and its logistics. The timeframe for getting the research permit is specified in the guideline. If you work as independent researcher contact the FIG Environmental Officer (mail in the License agreement guideline and application).
If your research involves invasive techniques such as sampling of animal tissues or handling live animals, then you must submit also the Invasive Research Techniques Application form. This is to supplement the information obtained through the research permit applications and to help the Environment Committee to make decisions on Invasive Research Techniques. Guidelines for the Environment Committee have been designed as further support tool.
Much of the Falkland Islands land area is actively farmed and/or is in private ownership. In order to access such areas you need to contact the landowner well in advance to seek permission. Remember that spring/summer is a very busy period of the year and land may not be always accessible. You can contact us at SAERI to help reach out to landowners.
Before leaving the islands contact the IMS-GIS data manager at SAERI and ensure that you have filled in the metadata form and that there is an agreement on when to send a copy of your data to the Falkland Islands data centre (as specified in the research permit form)