South Atlantic
Environmental Research


Data tend to be considered as only ‘numbers, reports, fact and figures’, but rarely are they viewed as valuable national and international resources and assets.

The first step in data management is to ensure data discoverability by inventorying the data that are collected through a standard (ISO19115) metadata form.

The second step is to ensure that the data are stored properly in the local central data repository and secured with a system of off-site and off-island backup.

The final step is to make the data accessible through an efficient and functional data portal, which includes as well the setting of a data request form to receive authorisation to access restricted data.
IMS Data Management Strategy

Owners that submit their data to the IMS/GIS data centre should use the data submission agreement which describes and defines the terms and conditions and responsabilites of both the IMS-GIS data centre and the data submitter. The agreement is effective only for submission to the IMS-GIS data centre in the Falkland Islands. Different agreements will apply to the other territories.

As a result of the Gap project a series of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for managing data collected by the Hydrocarbon Industry have been developed. These are another evidence of the role played by the IMS-GIS data centre as contributor and promoter of best practice for data management.


When planning a data centre in small and remote islands, such the UKOTs in the South Atlantic region, it is important to be realistic about the availability and reliability of technology (internet communication and hardware) and IT capacity (human resources and skills). The goal, therefore, is to keep the system architecture simple, but efficient and able to deliver the services requested by the data users.

The IMS-GIS data centre is organised in a way that the territories share the same system architecture model but individual system configurations are arranged on each island according to the local IT set-up, background and resource.

Additionally, the system infrastructure of the IMS-GIS data centre is designed to accommodate those tools and data services that are considered priorities for the local stakeholders. Therefore, the system architecture is the result of the engagement with the stakeholders and the working in synergy with them.

Across all territories, the system architecture model currently includes:

  • an online metadata catalogue for discovering data
  • a data request form to access the data
  • a central data repository, where data are stored off-island.
  • a platform for webGIS services, where data are published and disseminated to the public.

The island-based data centre system architecture generally comprises of:

  • a server as central data repository, to store data locally.
  • a server for off-site data backup
  • a server for spatial databases, to allow data sharing among local data users

All the servers are Linux operated, they share the same data folder structure, which matches the metadata “topic categories” and under the full responsibility and management of the data manager. The server maintenance is provided by the local IT providers.

PO Box 609, Stanley Cottage North
Ross Road, Falkland Islands
Stanley, FIQQ 1ZZ
Falkland Islands: +500 27374
UK Office: +44 (0)203 745 1731
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