Marengo I. “OMERO: an open source tool for a cross-disciplinary geospatial Odyssey.” FOSS4G Bucharest, Romania 26-30 August 2019
Marengo I. “How to setup an SDI using QGIS and FOSSG for people in remote islands with limited internet access.” 3rd. International QGIS Conference. A Coruna, Spain 4-6 March 2019
Weber S (2017) “The Ascension Island Ocean Sanctuary: Planning for the Atlantic’s largest marine protected area”. 4th International Marine Protected Areas Congress, 4th – 8th September 2017, La Serena, Chile.
Richardson A (2017) “An ecological assessment of Ascension Island’s shallow-water seamounts as candidate MPAs”. 4th International Marine Protected Areas Congress, 4th – 8th September 2017, La Serena, Chile.
Handley J, Thiebault A, Crofts S, Stanworth A, Schutt D, Pistorius P. Behaviourally mediated predation avoidance distorts signals of community structure obtained through a marine predator’s diet.
Handley J, Ratcliffe N, Baylis AMM, Stanworth A, Crofts S, Pistorius P. Habitat use by a generalist and the challenge of prediction to unsampled locations 6th International Biologging Science Symposium.
D.T.I Bayley, I. Marengo, H. Baker and T. Pelembe, (2017), Giant kelp ‘Blue carbon’ storage and sequestration value in the Falkland Islands. Joint Nature Conservation Committee and South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute
Golding. N., 2017. Consultation Report on the Assessment of Fishing Closure Areas as Sites for wider marine management in the Falkland Islands (AFCAS). South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute (SAERI), 42pp (Available on request)
Golding. N. & Augé. A.A., 2017. The Assessment of Fishing Closure Areas as Sites for wider marine management in the Falkland Islands. SAERI, 45 pp. (Available on request)
Golding. N. & Augé. A.A., 2017. Marine Spatial Planning Phase II: Project Delivery Report. South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute (SAERI).
Golding, N. & Pelembe, T. 2017. Developing a long-term strategy for implementing Marine Spatial Planning in the Falkland Islands. South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute (SAERI), 42pp (Available on request)
Costa M., 2017. Studying dolphins of the kelp, Falkland Islands. Sanctuary, No 46, pp 74-75. (Available on request)
Costa M., Garcia Rojas M.I., Hamilton L., Bamford C., 2017. Falkland Islands coastal aerial survey. Survey Plan and Observer Protocol 2017. Dolphins of the Kelp protocol, South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute (SAERI), 21pp. (Available on request)
Costa M., Garcia Rojas M.I., 2017. Condor Survey Data collection protocol 2017. Dolphins of the Kelp protocol, South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute (SAERI), 10 pp. (Available on request)
Garcia Rojas M.I., Costa M., 2017. South Georgia Cetacean Survey. Data collection protocol. Summer 2017. Dolphins of the Kelp protocol, South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute (SAERI), 5 pp. (Available on request)
Costa M., Garcia Rojas M.I., 2017. Focal Study. Data collection protocol 2017. Dolphins of the Kelp protocol, South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute (SAERI), 6 pp. (Available on request)
Costa M., Garcia Rojas M.I., 2017. Photo-identification and Matching protocol 2017. Dolphins of the Kelp protocol, South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute (SAERI), 16 pp. (Available on request)
Costa M., Garcia Rojas M.I., 2017. Aerial Survey. Dolphins of the Kelp Field Report 2017, South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute (SAERI), 13 pp. (Available on request)
Costa M., Garcia Rojas M.I., 2017. Cetacean Observations between the Falkland Islands and South Georgia conducted on board of the HMS Enterprise from the 21st to the 31st of January 2017. Dolphins of the Kelp Field Report 2017, South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute (SAERI), 61 pp. (Available on request)
Costa M. 2017. Focal Survey #2 – Winter 2017. Dolphins of the Kelp Field Report 2017, South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute (SAERI), 11 pp. (Available on request)
Costa M., Baker S. 2017. Focal Survey – Genetic. Dolphins of the Kelp Field Report 2017, South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute (SAERI), 10 pp. (Available on request)
Baker S., Costa M. 2017. Report for Research Licence No: R04/ 2016 – Dolphins of the kelp – genetic diversity and population structure of Commerson’s and Peale’s dolphins around the Falkland Islands. South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute (SAERI), 3 pp.
Costa M., 2017. Darwin Plus Annual report, Apr 2016-Mar 2017- Dolphins of the kelp: Data priorities for Falkland’s inshore cetaceans. South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute (SAERI), 34 pp.
Woodberry O, Augé AA, Reid B, Pressey RL, Brodie JE, Dale A, Yorston H, and Nicholson AE. Assessing cumulative impacts of coastal development using spatial scenarios and Bayesian networks: a case study on the Great Barrier Reef. International Congress on Modelling and Simulation 2015, Broadbeach, Australia.
Frans VF, Augé AA, Engler JO, Edelhoff H, Chilvers BL, Erasmi S, Balkenhol N. Recolonization of the New Zealand sea lion: Using Maxent to identify suitable breeding habitats for management. International Association of Landscape Ecology World Congress 2015, Portland, USA.
Augé AA (2015). Marine spatial planning for the Falkland Island: ’Developing the tools’ workshop report. South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute, Stanley, Falkland Islands.
Augé AA, Lascelles B, and Dias M (2015). Marine spatial planning for the Falkland Islands. ‘Methodology for identification of important areas for marine megafauna’ workshop report. South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute, Stanley, Falkland Islands.
Augé AA (2015). Marine spatial planning for the Falkland Islands: ‘Setting the scene’ workshop report. Report to the Darwin Plus Program. South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute, Stanley, Falkland Islands.
Augé AA, Taylor M, Blockley D, Tierney M, Brickle P (2015). Proceedings of the Falkland Islands Science Symposium 2015. South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute, Stanley, Falkland Islands
Marengo I. “Using QGIS in UKOTs territories. From training to application.” 1st. International QGIS Conference. Nødebo, Denmark 18-19 May 2015
Baylis, A and Rhandhawa, H. (2021) CV19RR02: REVIEW OF WILDLIFE DISEASE IN THE FALKLAND ISLANDS. Report to the Darwin Initiative